Leadership Memphis

You can pledge now and pay later. You can give now online by phone, or by mailing a check. You can give a specified amount monthly with automatic withdrawal. See the specifics below:

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Leadership Memphis thanks our Alumni Sponsors and friends for the lead role they take providing the financial fuel necessary for this organization to do what we do – prepare and mobilize leaders to work together for the good of the whole community.

Above and beyond the many, many actions our alumni perform personally to make Memphis a better place to live, as an alumni sponsor you pay it forward in an equally significant way, investing in the development of other community leaders each year! Without investing in community leaders our metro area will not grow our base of talented/engaged community leaders for the future, including those who will work alongside us, as well as those who will someday replace us.

You recognize, as do we, that a city is only as great as its community leadership. And that is worth an investment. It is worth your investment. And we thank you again for your support!


Since Leadership Memphis assembled its first class in December, 1978, it has been a powerful force in the life of its city, preparing and unleashing more than 4,000 men and women who are focused on leading Memphis ahead.

For donor, alumni, and sponsorship relations, please e-mail President and CEO, Mr. Reggie Crenshaw at

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