Leadership Memphis appreciates your support in any form. Beyond cash, checks, and credits cards other ways to give include:
- Appreciated securities in the form of stock or mutual funds shares held for more than one year help you avoid capital gains taxes and earn a charitable tax deduction based on market value. We accept both closely held and publicly traded stock.
- Real estate, if held for more than one year, usually provides the same tax benefits as gifts of securities.
- Life insurance allows you to direct insurance policy proceeds to a fund at the Community Foundation. You may name the Foundation as owner and beneficiary of the policy, or you may retain ownership and name a fund at the Foundation as the primary or contingent beneficiary.
- IRAs and other qualified retirement plans can mean substantial tax savings for your heirs if you name a charitable fund as a beneficiary of assets. You may name the charitable interests you wish to benefit from your funds and name your heirs as advisors.
- Partnership interests such as limited liability company interests and limited partnership interests will be considered. The Community Foundation has accepted limited liability company interests and limited partnership interests.
- Bequests establish charitable funds through your will. A bequest is simple and can be advised by your heirs.
To learn more or set up a non-cash donation to Leadership Memphis, please contact our office at info@leadershipmemphis.org, or by phone at (901) 278-0016.